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10 tips to overcome writer’s block

As an aspiring writer and creative writing student, I am very well-acquainted with a little something called writer’s block, and I can confidently say…it’s a right pain.

You've got an idea, you’re writing, getting down all the words, and then bam! Suddenly your train of thought stops, and all things that resemble words have vanished from your brain. You’re stuck and can’t for the life of you think of something to write – not even just a short sentence – and it’s hard because you so desperately want to write but can’t.

Because writer’s block is so common, I thought I’d share some tips to help people get over it and continue the flow of their writing, whether it be stories, articles, or even journaling.

So here are my tips:

1. Go for a walk – Walking is great for clearing your head and when you return you’ll feel refreshed (maybe a little sweaty!) and you’re mind will be open and ready to tackle anything.

2. Take some days off – Having a break from the project you’re writing is key because when you return, you’ll have a fresh mind and be able to look at your writing with fresh eyes.

3. Get help from a friend – Talk through your writing with someone you trust and tell them what the problem is. They may be able to offer advice, or you may realise where to go next by talking it through.

4. Find your touch – I’m sure all writers have a favourite author or favourite book, so if you find yourself stuck for words then read your favourite and it may spark something in your mind.

5. Free-write – It can be totally unrelated to the project you’re stuck on, but free-writing can take you anywhere and it may just help you overcome the writer’s block.

6. Write imperfectly – Many writers are perfectionists and put too much pressure on themselves when writing the first draft, and this can often cause writer’s block. So, give yourself permission to write imperfectly without judgement.

7. Address the root of the block – There may be a particular reason as to why you’ve got writer’s block, and finding this reason can help overcome it. Ask yourself some questions such as: Have I lost sight of what my story is about? Am I not connecting with a particular character? Do I feel pressure for it to be perfect? Once you’ve identified the problem, it’ll be easier to fix.

8. Take a visual turn – If you can’t think of anything to write and words fail you, perhaps you could try a more visual process. Draw your characters, the world you’ve created, create mind-maps. Make something visual and that may end up helping your flow.

9. Stop writing for the readers – Writing for your audience is key, especially when looking to publish, but to overcome writer’s block, don’t. Just write for you, and for your love of the story. It will help you get back in touch with the idea and reclaim the joy of being a writer.

10. Change your point of view – When suffering from writer’s block, try to write your story from a new POV; it can be a minor character witnessing a scene, or a fly on the wall or even an inanimate object. Writing from a new perspective can help give fresh eyes on the story and help move past the block.

If you’re a writer, of any kind, and suffer from the occasional writer’s block, follow some of these tips and hopefully your brain will be full of words that come flooding out onto the page.

Until next time…

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8 Kommentare

18. Feb. 2021

Thank you! Yeah, that’s a fun thing to do too! Oh me too, imperfection is more common than we think. Me too! :)

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18. Feb. 2021

Great advice! I find going outdoors and creating a visual to be especially helpful. As a writer, writing imperfectly is definitely something I've had to work on. I always have to remind myself not to aim for perfection but for progress. :)

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18. Feb. 2021

Thank you!! 😄

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Amy Bathurst
17. Feb. 2021

Thank you for the great tips! Definitely some good advice! 😃

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17. Feb. 2021

Thank you!! It does definitely! Xxx

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