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2022 Wrapped: Life Edition

At the end of every year, Spotify does a summary of your year in music, so I was inspired to make my own in different categories.

For my 2022 Wrapped, I've made a few editions with my favourite things in life included and a summary of my year. But as it's the final day of 2022, I thought it was only appropriate to share my 2022 Wrapped: Life Edition looking back on the past year.

2022 has been a year of highs and lows but mainly highs. If someone would have told me at the end of 2021 what my life would look like and what I have achieved, I wouldn't have believed them. But here I am, having achieved and done so much both personally and professionally.

The only word to sum up how 2022 has been for me is proud.

I feel like I've grown a lot as a person and developed myself, doing things I never thought I'd do.

I'm proud of everything I've achieved this year and when I look back I can't help but smile. Some of my top achievements are:

  • Senior Editor for FormulaNerds

  • Writing over 10,000 words of my novel

  • Passing my university assessment

  • Attending the British Grand Prix as a professional motorsport journalist

  • Interviewing Mario Andretti

Aston Martin on track at Silverstone (Credit: Abby Bathurst)

All these moments are from my professional life, mostly related to my work as a journalist and my dream to be an author. Looking back over 2022, I never thought I would have had the opportunity to attend the British Grand Prix as a journalist or speak to Mario Andretti on Zoom.

But I am so glad I have. Attending Silverstone was of my best memories this year, both when I attended the Grand Prix but also when I first went there for the SuperKarts.

My other top memories from 2022 include:

  • Benalmádena - My sister and I went on our first holiday abroad without our parents to Spain back in October so we could practise our Spanish. It was by far one of the best holidays I've ever been on.

  • Mary Poppins - Just before Christmas, my mum and I went to see Mary Poppins in the West End before it leaves theatres in January. Between us, we've seen quite a few shows in the West End, but for me, Mary Poppins was by far the best - it was Fab-u-lous!

  • Harry Potter Studio Tour - I love Harry Potter and I've been to the Studio Tour in Leavesden a few times but when my family and I went during the summer, it was like seeing it all again for the first time with the new additions being available. If you're a Harry Potter fan and haven't been to the Studio Tour, I definitely recommend it.

  • 21st Birthday - 2022 was also the year that I turned 21 and the celebrations my family organised for me were amazing. I love taking photos and I'm pretty sure I have over 300 from my birthday alone!

Benalmádena isn't just number one on my best memories list of 2022, it's also my favourite place I've been this year.

The hotel, the town, the restaurants (best Carbonara I've ever had!) and the views - it was all so perfect!

As well as making lots of memories and visiting lots of places throughout the past year, I've also learnt a lot of lessons.

One thing about me is that I'm a people pleaser. I hate when I upset or disappoint others so I rarely say no, even if things don't suit me or are inconvenient. But this year I've learnt to say no and actually be a bit selfish sometimes.

For me that's the most important lesson I'll be taking into 2023 as well as the others listed above. Life is full of lessons and sometimes things can get in our way or we conform to others expectations.

But we need to take care of ourselves, live life to the fullest for ourselves and just be ourselves.

Finally, to round out my 2022 Wrapped Life Edition, I wanted to reflect on the people and things I'm grateful for.

I couldn't live without my family and I wouldn't change them for the world. They are everything to me and my life wouldn't be the same without them. My friends have also made this year special and I'm grateful to the friends I have for being there for me.

FormulaNerds, whilst I joined a little over a year ago, feels like a family for me. I have met amazing people working in the team and have had out-of-this-world opportunities. I am grateful to everything FormulaNerds have done for me and the close friends I've made from working alongside the team.

Authors and music artists aren't exactly in close relationships with me, however, I couldn't go through without books or music. If you speak to my family, they'll tell you how obsessed I am with both these things - I listen to New Music Friday every week and have just had to rearrange my entire room to fit in the new books I got for Christmas, haha!

2022 has been an amazing year that I have enjoyed so much, experiencing everything I've experienced. As we head into 2023, I can only wish that the new year brings the same happiness as the last.

One last thing, I just wanted to wish all my readers a Happy New Year and hope you had lovely Christmases!

Until 2023...

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2 則留言

Amy Bathurst

You’ve had an amazing year! I’m so proud of everything you’ve achieved this year and I really enjoyed the holiday to Benalmádena too! Happy New Year! 🥰



Wow! What an amazing year you’ve had and and such an awesome young lady you’ve become! I’m so so very proud of you 🤩 you’re the brightest star! 🌟 and I love you so much 😘

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