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21st Birthday Books: Romance, Drama, and Festive Cheer

When it's your birthday or Christmas, do you ever struggle to come up with gift ideas that people can get you?

I often struggle and don't have many ideas but the one thing that I always manage to think of is books. If you've read my blog before, or know me in person, you would know that I am a massive bookworm with my own bookstagram and forever-growing bookcase.

At the end of spooky season, I turned 21 and my family were asking me what they could get me. I struggled because I felt I already had everything I needed and wanted in life. But I managed to come up with a few books that I'd quite like to have in paperback (I say that like it was a tough wasn't!).

With paperback books, I'm very particular about what ones I get. Usually, I only buy paperbacks when I know I LOVE the book and will definitely reread it. But out of the six books I received for my 21st, I have actually only read one before.

The other five, however, are written by authors I absolutely love (their books are more like a must-have) and I've heard constant good reviews about them. So I added them to my list.

Here are the six books I received:

Icebreaker by Hannah Grace

Icebreaker is a book I have read before. It's Hannah's debut novel and oh my word it is amazing. I remember when I first read about Anastasia and Nate and how as soon as I finished it, I went back and reread my favourite scenes.

I absolutely loved reading this hockey romance because it had a different angle to what I've read before. Plus, all the characters are unique and drew me in so this was definitely needed on my bookcase. And the fact that Hannah likes F1 just made me like her as an author even more!

Snowed in for Christmas by Sarah Morgan

Some festive cheer is in the air with Sarah's new Christmas book. Now, I haven't read this book but Sarah is one of my favourite authors of all time and I always make sure I buy her books.

I haven't read a Sarah Morgan book that I haven't liked, so I can't wait to read Snowed in for Christmas during December to get me ready for Christmas.

A Christmas Celebration by Heidi Swain

Heidi Swain is very much like Sarah Morgan in my book - I have loved every one of her books that I've read. I particularly enjoy her festive reads so A Christmas Celebration was one I knew I had to have.

Her Christmas books are perfect for December and this one is a lovely addition to my Heidi Swain Christmas book collection.

Addicted to You / Ricochet / Addicted for Now by KB Ritchie

These three books are the first books in the Addicted/Calloway Sisters series made up in total of 10 books. I haven't read this series before but I always see positive reviews about them, especially the male protagonists, so I wanted to give them a try.

The first three books are part of Lily and Loren's story, which I constantly see on TikTok so I can't wait to dive into their relationship drama and eventually finish all 10 books (when I have the other seven).


What authors' books do you always buy because of who has written them?

Until next time...

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