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7 Days of Plotting a Crime: Part 2

If you read my most recent blog post, you’ll know what I’ve been up to lately, but in case you haven’t, here’s a quick recap.

This week I’ve been doing a 7 day writing challenge, where I had to write a short story on the genre of crime and theme of sacrifice, of no more than 2000 words. I started planning the plot, fleshing out the crime and the structure, and then I created my protagonist, and came up with an idea for including sacrifice with the help of my sister.

Here's the second part of my planning process.

After designing my protagonist, I needed to create an antagonist. For me, this was easier because I tend to find that I can write about the bad guys better than I do the good guys; I find it easy to get into their heads, which is strange…and some what disturbing, aha!

I went about the same routine for the antagonist as I did with my investigator, detailing their appearance, motivations and anything important for me to know. Not everything I planned is included into the short story – 2000 words is difficult to stick too – but I found it helpful to know background info in case I got confused.

I tended to get a bit confused because I was getting dates and ages muddled up. This then meant I needed to write a timeline – I was even confused trying to write this. But once I’d written it, it cleared everything up and I was able to start writing – the fun part!

When writing I tend to have trouble sticking to the word count – I almost always go over – and this time was not different. I wrote the whole story in a day, just free-writing with my notes, and I ended up going 600 words over the word count. I knew I would have to edit and redraft the story but I didn’t think I could cut it down by 600 words. Turns out, I did, thanks to tips from my degree!

I was able to cut out ‘that’ a lot, remove adverbs, change the syntax, and use contractions. All of these helped, even when I needed to add another scene, and I managed to finish my piece at 2000 words exactly!

And with the word count reached and the story finished, I was ready to submit.

If you ever want to challenge yourself, give yourself a short time frame and a theme and produce something. It can be writing, drawing, crafting. It can be anything, and I can guarantee the satisfaction you’ll feel at the end is amazing.

Until next time…

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Mar 10, 2021

Sounds like an awesome process for writing short stories. Thanks for sharing, and great work! :D


Mar 06, 2021

Great process you worked through to complete the final piece - and it’s awesome! Looking forward to the next creative piece!

Mar 06, 2021
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Thank you so much!! Hehe 🥰🥰


Amy Bathurst
Mar 06, 2021

Another amazing blog! It's great to hear the rest of this writing journey! It really is amazing to fit so much into 2000 words and the way you went about it is perfect :-)

Mar 06, 2021
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Thank you!! Hehe, yeah! 🥰🥰


Mar 06, 2021

Wow! I’m soooo impressed with how you’ve done this and I’m so so so proud of what you’ve achieved! You really are a star 🌟

Mar 06, 2021
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Awh, thank you so much!! 🥰🥰

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