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  • Writer's pictureabbybathurst

A Little About Me!

Updated: Aug 29, 2019

Hi, I'm Abby! An A level student who is a bookworm, movie enthusiast and studentaholic! I wanted a place to share my thoughts and ideas and so here it is. Now I've never had a blog before, but I've always craved a creative outlet.

When trying to write this post I couldn't think of a topic, and so decided to brainstorm. I came up with lots of topics but I thought the best one would be to tell you all a bit about myself.

I am currently studying English Literature and Language, Biology and Spanish, whilst trying to juggle an EPQ as well. Stressful, I know! I don't have a definite aspiration or career goal in life, except to live a life that I enjoy. Three of my passions are writing, movies, and music. Learning new things also gives me enjoyment, but exams that come with studying are lower on the list of enjoyable things, however they are essential.

In my free time I study, but I don't work all the time. Usually, you can find me with music playing, a book (or kindle) in my hand, or the TV on. Deciding on a favourite book is hard, as I have quite a few, but who doesn't? If I had to answer, I would have to name a few in each genre! Writing is a desire I have, that books help to fuel as well as television and film. Writing allows me to create a fantasy world that enables me to escape. I love all sorts of music ranging from pop, country, musicals, Christmas to rock - anything that has emotion and a good beat!

TV and films are a big aspect of my life; evidence of this is that I have over 100 DVDs! Again, favourites are hard to name as I like many genres. Some of my favourite TV shows are: Greys Anatomy, Teen Wolf, Hart of Dixie, Friends, Lucifer and The 100....but of course there are many more! Movies that I like range over all genres from romance, to action. The Harry Potter franchise will forever be a favourite, as will the Fast and Furious franchise. I tend to have a particular taste in movies depending on my mood, for instance if I wanted a feel good musical then Mamma Mia or Descendants would have to be the films I watch. Yes, I know Descendants is from Disney Channel, but I think no one is ever too old for Disney!

Now, they're my passions but here are some basic facts about me:

My favourite season is winter, my favourite holiday is Christmas, I don't like popcorn, I prefer fruit over vegetables, I like cars and sport, I did want to be a doctor (but realised I was too squeamish, lol) my favourite cuisine is Italian, my favourite dessert is homemade cheesecake and my favourite animals are guinea pigs and dolphins.

So there you have it. I hope you come back and visit my blog so I can share my thoughts and ideas.

Until next time....

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