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Books or Movies - What's Better?

There are two main types of entertainment in this world: Books and Movies. They can be completely separate or interchangeable, but more often than not, there is always a preference, a favourite.

I was having this conversation with a work friend of mine the other day and he said that he doesn't read much. To me, that seems strange when I've read one book a day before, but he isn't alone. Members of my family don't read much unless they're on holiday, then reading by the pool is a mandatory activity.

This conversation got me thinking. There are millions of books out there and a lot of them have been transferred to the screen, whether it be TV shows like Nine Perfect Strangers or films like Harry Potter.

As both a bookworm and an avid movie buff, it's interesting to me to see what other people prefer. It's even more fascinating when it comes to deciding whether the book or the screen adaptation of a story is better, and which order you encounter them in first.

What comes first?

Film series like Harry Potter came out after the first book, at least, was written. This is the same with some TV shows; the books are so good that movie directors think they'd make a great screen adaptation.

But just because the books were written first, doesn't mean people read the story before watching it. For me, I always like to read the book before watching the movie. Sometimes people don't ever read the books before watching the shows on screen. I know for The 100, I never knew it was based on a book series until after I finished watching the show.

With so many stories told both in print and visually on the big screen, which do you prefer to dive into first? The book or the film?

What's better?

One thing I like to do once I've read the book is to watch the film. I remember when Bridgerton first came out and I really wanted to watch the show, but I didn't allow myself to until I'd read the first book.

However, the screen adaptations don't always live up to the book. Sometimes, and I use this word carefully, they are better than the books.

Books like The Maze Runner are better than the films, in my opinion, and so is The Mortal Instruments series. It's harder for all the information to be included in screen adaptations, particularly if they're movies because having a three and a half hour movie is a bit extreme. For TV shows, it's easier as there can be several seasons with multiple episodes. In The Maze Runner, I felt that the screen adaptations weren't as good because they missed out information and altered the story to fit the screen better.

The Mortal Instruments is actually rather unique. The series has a TV series based on it called Shadowhunters and a film based on the first book City of Bones. For me, the books trump both versions of screen adaptations.

But there are some film/TV versions I prefer. For instance, The 100 and The Vampire Diaries are better on the screen than on the page. Whilst there are some quite big differences, for example in The Vampire Diaries, Elena has a sister, not a brother, the TV show is more entertaining, gripping and emotional.

So, I have two questions for you:

  • What do you prefer: books or movies/TV shows?

  • What do you read/watch first?

Let me know in the comments below.

Until next time...

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6 comentários

20 de mai. de 2022

This is always a fun topic to ponder! I have a really hard time picking between books and movies - I just love them both so much! I can understand why some things in books must be changes for the movie, and it's interesting to see the differences, and how each becomes its own.

I definitely agree that sometimes it's better to read the books first, as you get to experience the world in a more intimate way on the page, if that makes sense. However, (especially for more difficult reads like the Lord of the Rings, or Jane Austen) it can be helpful to watch the film because you have a real conceptual knowledge of it. So it really…


17 de mai. de 2022

I’d say books first but having spoken to my cousin today, if I’d read Jack Reacher books first I wouldn’t have like the Tom Cruise film versions of them! And vice versa I wouldn’t have enjoyed the Harry Potter books so much if I’d seen the films first 🤷‍♀️ So swings and roundabouts 😆


Amy Bathurst
17 de mai. de 2022

I love this topic! When I was younger I would've always chosen the movie first. However, now I like reading I always want to read the books first! The one thing that will always sadden me slightly is that I never got to experience the magic of reading Harry Potter for the first time without knowing anything about it, so now I'd always like to read the book first as then I get to imagine the characters and scenarios how I want, instead of automatically picturing the actors. Having said that, if I'm trying to read the book but don't particularly like it then maybe I'll stop and watch the movie instead 😂


17 de mai. de 2022

Great question, something that got me thinking quite a bit. I don't really read books, I'd love to but I feel like I should always be doing something else as I'm not a fast reader. On the flip side, I love to watch a good movie - couple of hours and it's done - tick! I've always been more visual based, hence why when I read a book I have to picture everything and that slows me down. I even make up other surroundings or characters that might not be mentioned, or even a part of the story at all. So for me I'd opt for the screen every time. Saying that, I don't particularly like horrors, and the last…

20 de mai. de 2022
Respondendo a

I agree! Certain genres, like horror, I could read, but for sure wouldn't want to watch as a film. 😆

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