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Godzilla vs Kong

We’re halfway through the first month of 2022 and I have only just watched my first movie of the year. Shocker, I know. Normally by now I would have at least four in my watched list, but I just haven’t had the time.

There are a lot of movies I would like to watch, for instance The 355, The Hating Game, Spider-Man: No Way Home (yes, I know I’m probably one of the only people to watch it yet) and many more.

However, my first movie of 2022 has been one that I’ve looked forward to watching since it’s release. And you’ve probably guessed what it is by the title of this blog - Godzilla vs Kong.

I remember when I first watched Kong: Skull Island. I loved some of the actors in it and thought it was a great movie. It was right up my street.

Then I watched Godzilla: King of the Monsters. This was a bit different to Kong: Skull Island and took the more Sci-Fi, futuristic route. But nevertheless it was still an enjoyable movie.

So, when it came to the alpha titans going against each other, I was excited.

Godzilla vs Kong was an action-packed film with lots of destruction and heart-warming moments, mainly concerning Kong and Jia.

Now the film was good. It was. However, there were some parts where I was thinking, ‘Come on, that’s even more unrealistic than two giant monsters fighting each other’.

To start with, Kong is kept in a facility on Skull Island away from open water to protect him from Godzilla - everyone knows that if you have two titans living on the same planet, they’re going to fight until there’s only one alpha, right?

So when they’re transporting Kong to Antartica, why do they use ships? They know that Godzilla lives in the water and will come for Kong. Even if they don’t enter his territory, travelling on the water doesn’t make any sense. Especially when after the attack, the idea of airlifting Kong is suggested. Why didn’t they do that in the first place?

The second thing that I found hard to believe was the Hollow Earth. Having this world inside the Earth with backwards gravity is plausible, but having this entire structure with steps, pillars and even a throne for Kong, just didn’t seem that believable to me.

I know action movies and disaster movies with the threat of the end of the world have to have a lot of destruction. Cities get flooded, buildings turn into rubble and people die.

In Godzilla: King of Monsters cities were completely wiped out. Now when he faces off with Kong, it’s a few years later so it’s understandable that repairs would’ve been made.

But in the final fight in Hong Kong, it’s madness. Godzilla burns a hole through the ground in the middle of the city, Kong comes through said hole and they fight.

Nearly every building is completely and utterly destroyed. The burst of energy that Godzilla fires out of his mouth rips through buildings.

Then when things are getting tense, the two stop fighting each other. Kong is dying. An animatronic version of Godzilla, with some of the power from the Hollow Earth, comes to life.

It’s Godzilla vs Godzilla 2.0.

Jia, Ilene and Andrew all help revive Kong, who then learns that Godzilla isn’t the enemy but Godzilla 2.0 is.

The two title titans end the film making peace with each other.

That is fine; they’re beloved creatures in our cinematic world but I was expecting more battles between the two. I thought that they would be fighting solely each other.

I am glad Kong survived - he’s my favourite Titan - but I thought that the end was a bit anticlimactic as both Godzilla and Kong lived.

Ultimately, Kong goes back to the Hollow Earth, where he’s originally from so technically he’s not on Earth, he’s just in it. But still.

Despite my reservations about the film, it was good. If you like monster films, disaster films with lots of action, then give it a watch.

Until next time...

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Amy Bathurst
Jan 17, 2022

Another fantastic post! 😀 This film definitely wouldn't be my cup of tea (too much destruction!) Although if it's not too realistic then maybe I wouldn't mind so much...


Jan 16, 2022

Completely agree with everything you've said! It's almost a case of the most believable bits of the movie were Kong and Godzilla themselves! Something else that was ridiculous was the tunnel to Hong Kong... accessible from 33 levels below the surface of the earth, all perfectly structured inside and starts in the US! Oh, and the crazy structure, platforms and whatever else had been built on the way from the earth's surface to the entrance to Hollow Earth. So many silly elements, but at least I don't have to worry about watching it again 😀


Jan 16, 2022

Another great blog👍 I really enjoyed the film and just take it as fiction 😄 Kong is my favourite titan too! ❤️

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