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How to set goals for the new year

Writer: abbybathurstabbybathurst

The new year of 2024 has begun and it is a time when people make resolutions and set goals, but how can you create goals and actually stick to them?


Each new year, you often hear the phrase 'New Year, New Me'. Many people try to reinvent themselves when a new year comes around because it is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings.

In the past, I've made lists of resolutions that I wanted to stick to each year, and for a while I did, but eventually, life got in the way and I became too busy that I forgot about them. And in the past three or four years, I didn't get round to writing a resolutions list.

However, 2024 is different.

My Vision Board

This year, I do want to try and become a better version of myself. I don't want to reinvent myself but build on the foundations I've already got from previous years.

To do this, I made a 2024 vision board, which is something I've never done before. But I kept seeing TikTok videos all about creating vision boards - some content creators even made an evening with their friends out of it.

Having seen the videos, I was invested. I turned on my laptop, opened up Canva and Pinterest and got to work.

For those of you who aren't certain about what a vision board is, it is essentially a board/poster of all your goals for the year ahead. You can use anything to create your vision board whether that be song lyrics, photos, quotes, sayings etc.

Personally, I used Pinterest because I love the social media platform and you can almost always find what you want on there.

Setting your goals

Before I began searching for the images I wanted for my vision board, I got an A4 notepad, split it into four sections and wrote down some goals I wanted to achieve this year. The sections I used were: Professional, Personal, Lifestyle and Health & Wellbeing.

I tried to jot down at least five goals in each category, which then made it easier to tailor my search down to specifics for my vision board. It was difficult at first thinking of some goals, but if you search on social media and Google, there is lots of inspiration for new goals you can strive to achieve. Some goals I wrote down included: Read 100 books, drink three litres of water each day, complete my novel manuscript and set aside time each week without my phone.

Once I'd got all the photos I needed, I put them into Canva and board complete.

My 2024 Vision Board

If you don't want to create a vision board though, another way of goal-setting is creating your own bingo card of 25 goals you want to do this year. Either way will help you visualise your goals.

But how do you stick to your goals?

The above question is a good one I often think about because I'm quite an ambitious person and have a lot of goals and things I want to achieve in my life. However, it can be difficult to achieve what you want.

Creating a vision board is only the first step. Having the images and quotes you want to channel this year is a good beginning, but you can go further.

Life tends to get in the way. Work becomes too stressful, you're juggling family relationships, friendships, and maybe a partner, and sticking to the goals you set in January can fall off the priority list.

But if you take your vision board a step further, you can stick to the goals you set.

My complete vision board was great to have but it wasn't a constant in my daily life. So on the first of January, I made it my desktop background. And I also made a portrait version to have as my phone's lock screen.

Now whenever I'm on my laptop, or my phone screen lights up, I will see my 2024 vision board and the goals I want to achieve.

Having the goals you want to achieve visually in your life daily is a massive help because it will keep reminding you of them, and hopefully, keep you motivated to strive for them. I know it has for me.

If you have a specific goal in mind or changes you want to make to your life in 2024, maybe think about creating a vision board, or something similar. It is the third day of January but it's never too late to strive for something better and to do something for you.

Creating a vision board has honestly altered my mindset these first few days of the year, so I'd definitely recommend it.

Any questions or comments, let me know down below.

Until next time...


Jan 03, 2024

Wow! That’s a really good idea 👍

stick with it and I’m sure you’ll achieve everything on your vision board!


Amy Bathurst
Jan 03, 2024

I love your vision board and I think making it constantly visible is key! I've always liked the idea but never been sure quite what to put on it. Maybe it's time for me to scroll through Pinterest for some inspiration 😀


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