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This Is Christmas - It only takes one person

Updated: Dec 31, 2022

It only takes one person to start a chain of events, so what would you do?

I just want to start this post by saying I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas spent with their loved ones, eating lots of food, opening presents and maybe watching some Christmas TV.

And speaking of Christmas TV, my family and I watched a Christmas movie on Christmas Eve, like always. This year, however, we decided to watch a new festive film that we hadn't seen before.

The film we chose was This Is Christmas, which premiered on Sky Cinema. This Is Christmas is a kind of Love Actually type movie in that it follows the stories of many different characters, rather than focusing solely on a couple.

This Is Christmas
Credit: IMDB

It's about a group of train commuters, who go into Liverpool Street Station every day for work. In one particular carriage there is the same group of people nearly every day. One of them, Adam, works in advertising and he comes up with the idea of hosting a Christmas party for that group of commuters.

It started because Adam wondered why this group of people, who see each other every day, never really speak and don't know much about each other after they all help a young lad who lost his ticket. So, he invites them all to a Christmas party to get to know each other and actually acknowledge them.

At first, some of the commuters are hesitant and ignored the invite. But over time, when plans start coming together, people begin to join in, offering help and talking to the other commuters. You see friendships blossom and soon enough everyone is chatting and talking about their families and lives.

The whole film is centred around the idea that it only takes one person to start a chain of events and create something good. In This Is Christmas it only took one person, Adam, to bring together a whole group of people from different backgrounds, who then by the end are spending Christmas together, dating, visiting each other's families and more.

So my question to you is, what would you do?

If you saw a group of people, the same people, every single day, but didn't know anything about them. And you were suddenly given the opportunity to get to know them and become friends with them, what would you do?

Would you accept the party invite? Or would you go back to your life as if nothing happened, giving them a slight nod of the head or ignoring them completely?

It only takes one person to create something, to take action, and that person can be you. I know, I've done it before - not quite the Christmas party for commuters kind of action, but an action nonetheless.

As we head into 2023, ask yourself the question and see if there's any opportunities like the one Adam had but for you.

Would you take the jump?

Until next time...

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Dec 31, 2022

Anyone who know me knows I would say hello to everyone. Especially if i saw them day in and day out 😆

The film was really good too! But it does only take one person to start the chain of events


Amy Bathurst
Dec 31, 2022

Such a wonderful film that really restores your faith in humanity. I would have accepted the invitation to the party ☺️


Dec 30, 2022

Having watched the movie it definitely starts to make you think, and being a commuter into Liverpool Street myself will certainly make me wonder. I'll probably be trying to secretly work out who everyone is and what I think they might do 😂

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