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  • Writer's pictureabbybathurst

My 50th Post - Wow!

I can’t believe this is my 50th blog post. I started this blog last summer as a way to get my writing out there, to have a creative outlet, and I’m so thankful to every one of you who comes back each time to read my posts.

Now, because it’s my 50th post, I wanted to try and do something amazing, so I opted to try and write a poem – operative word being ‘try’.

So here goes…

My 50th post, wow that’s a lot,

Write Watch Work, that’s the plot.

Never thought I’d get this far,

It all seems rather bizarre!

‘A Little About Me’ was the first post written,

I’m just a writer from Great Britain.

Always wanted to write for people,

But never thought it’d be so gleeful.

So many books I have read,

They’re all great just before bed.

Lots more worlds for me to enter,

Cafés, schools, towns and city centres.

Movies and TV, passions of mine,

Too many favourites, all sublime.

Over 100 DVDs I have to myself,

Waiting patiently, for me to watch, on my shelves.

Work is fun when one has drive,

Motivation helps keep you alive.

Hard times and challenges may occur,

But both are steps to success, which I prefer.

Thanks to you all for reading my posts,

I hope that I’ve been a good host.

Many more posts are still to come,

So, stick around for more fun!

Until next time…

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