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A Messy Lifestyle? Here’s 6 Ways Guaranteed to Make Your Life More Organised

At some point in our lives, we’re all guilty of being disorganised. Our schedules can get very busy, our minds can be full of ideas and our bodies can feel exhausted. We procrastinate and put jobs off but if we were more organised, and had ways to maintain our organisation, we would complete more jobs each day and feel better at night.

Living a messy and chaotic life is unproductive in many ways, but here’s 6 ways that you can make your life more organised.

Write a to-do list:

Every morning before you start your day, you could write a list of everything you want to achieve and get done. Once you complete a task, tick it off. I use this technique all the time, and even add little things like lunch and dinner to the list, just so I feel even more productive at the end of the day.

Have a diary of important dates:

We’ve all got that one friend who remembers everyone’s birthdays. I bet you they own a diary that records every important date in their life, whether it be a cousin's birthday, a doctor’s appointment or a deadline for work. Knowing when something is due or needs to be done by, will help you procrastinate less and motivate you to get it done. Plus, it will relieve some stress from your life!

Everything needs a home:

It’s incredibly easy to get lost without a home, and maintaining an organised life means making sure everything has its own home. You need designated areas for different things; for example, a cup holder for your pens and pencils needs to go somewhere you can access every day. If you have lots of things in your home, group objects together; stationary (I have a lot of that!), produce in the fridge, and cutlery (you could even divide this into smaller groups of forks, spoons, knives, etc.). Knowing where everything is really helps maintain a tidy home.


Giving everything a home is great, but it isn’t manageable long-term if that space exceeds its limits and becomes untidy. To keep them organised, you need to dedicate some time every month – perhaps every fortnight – to declutter the spaces, and anything you find just lying around the house. As the saying goes, ‘Clutter creates chaos’, so you should declutter as a ‘Tidy space is a tidy mind.’

Always have paper/notes nearby:

We often think of things we want to remember during the day, and we tell ourselves that we’ll remember them – there’s no reason why we can’t. But when it gets to the evening and we’re sitting on our sofas, trying to remember what we thought of earlier that day to add to the grocery list, we can’t for the life of us remember what it is. Our minds can’t remember everything – unless you've got a photographic memory, which I don't…unfortunately – and so, if you have paper handy or a notes app on your phone, you can always jot down your thoughts as they come to you. That way you can’t forget them.

Work hard:

Maintaining an organised life can be hard work. It’s not a breeze. You’ll need to put in the work in order to keep things tidy, and in an orderly fashion, and whilst it may seem tiresome and boring at the time, it will help in the long run. You’ll feel better in yourself and your mental health won’t be smothered by all the inanimate objects crowding your home.

So, if you find that your mind and home are a bit cluttered and disorganised, follow these tips and see the difference they make.

Until next time…

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10 comentarios

Amy Bathurst
13 abr 2021

Some great advice! I definitely need to try some of these, if not all, to tidy up my life 😂

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Amy Bathurst
14 abr 2021
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Oops tidy up 😂

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09 abr 2021

Thanks for the tips! I'm always use the notes app, but having close to a hundred notes, it can get cluttered, too. Haha. :P Having a general schedule for each day also really helps me get things done.

Me gusta
09 abr 2021
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That’s okay! That is true :) Hehe :D

Me gusta

08 abr 2021

Another good blog full of great ideas! I always use my phone and text myself if there’s something I want to remember but know I’ll forget 👍 We definitely need to de clutter our home 😆

Well done 👏👏👏

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08 abr 2021
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Thank you!! I text myself too! We certainly do 😂

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08 abr 2021

Thank you! Good good! Haha, 😂 de cluttering is very important - but does require a substantial amount of motivation haha!

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08 abr 2021

Very good advice... I have lists, I always use a notes app on my phone and the calendar app is always pinging throughout each day - although not for birthdays I might add, just things to remember or to do. Then there's the declutter part... hmm. I must work on that bit! 🤣

Me gusta
08 abr 2021
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You leave the birthdays and anniversaries to me!!! 🤣

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